BalmazĂșjvĂĄros (53)

BalmazĂșjvĂĄrost bemutatĂł jellegzetes vĂĄroskĂ©pek, valamint lĂĄtvĂĄnyos lĂ©gifelvĂ©telek a vĂĄrosrĂłl


Number of images in category: 53
Category Viewed: 6716x
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 1533x
TermĂĄlfĂŒrdƑ (67)

KivĂĄlĂł vĂ­zminƑsĂ©gƱ, eurĂłpai szĂ­nvonalĂș fĂŒrdƑnkrƑl kĂ©szĂŒlt fĂ©nykĂ©pek   (Kamilla FĂŒrdƑ honlapja)


Number of images in category: 67
Category Viewed: 11042x
Pötyi Szålló (24)
Pötyi Szålló

A 2011-ben ĂĄtadott, minden igĂ©nyt kielĂ©gĂ­tƑ, kĂŒlföldi vendĂ©gek ĂĄltal is kedvelt diĂĄkszĂĄllĂłrĂłl kĂ©szĂŒlt felvĂ©telek


Number of images in category: 24
Category Viewed: 9921x

A 2005 Ăłta megrendezĂ©sre kerĂŒlƑ Balmaz-Art nemzetközi kĂ©pzƑmƱvĂ©szeti alkotĂłtĂĄbor Ă©letkĂ©pei Ă©s Ă­zelĂ­tƑ az alkotĂĄsokbĂłl


Number of images in category: 0
Category Viewed: 6752x
Hotel**** Balmaz (15)
Hotel**** Balmaz

A nĂ©gycsillagos Thermal Hotel Balmaz minden igĂ©nyt kielĂ©gĂ­tƑ, sokrĂ©tƱ szolgĂĄltatĂĄsaival vĂĄrja vendĂ©geit


Number of images in category: 15
Category Viewed: 5421x
Vårosi események
Vårosi események

VĂĄrosi rendezvĂ©nyeken, kulturĂĄlis programokon kĂ©szĂŒlt fĂ©nykĂ©pfelvĂ©telek


Number of images in category: 0
Category Viewed: 5348x
Szociålis Szövetkezet (14)
Szociålis Szövetkezet
Number of images in category: 14
Category Viewed: 7559x
Liget Közösségi Håz (7)
Liget Közösségi Håz
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 1620x
AutĂłmentes nap - 2016 (498)
AutĂłmentes nap - 2016
Number of images in category: 498
Category Viewed: 12742x
LehetƑsĂ©gek a seregben, avagy „seregnyi lehetƑsĂ©g” (2)
LehetƑsĂ©gek a seregben, avagy „seregnyi lehetƑsĂ©g”
Number of images in category: 2
Category Viewed: 1614x
Number of images in category: 0
Category Viewed: 1603x
XI. KĂ©zi Ă©s GĂ©pi JuhnyirĂł Verseny (8)
XI. KĂ©zi Ă©s GĂ©pi JuhnyirĂł Verseny
Number of images in category: 8
Category Viewed: 1500x
III. AratĂł FesztivĂĄl (10)
III. AratĂł FesztivĂĄl
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 1412x
kenyersuto (5)
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 1472x
ossziklub (64)
Number of images in category: 64
Category Viewed: 2302x
juliklub (7)
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 1477x
elsoklub (19)
Number of images in category: 19
Category Viewed: 1567x
2019. Baka fesztivĂĄl
2019. Baka fesztivĂĄl
Number of images in category: 0
Category Viewed: 1342x
2020.08.19. Könyvbemutató
2020.08.19. Könyvbemutató
Number of images in category: 0
Category Viewed: 1343x
TĂ©r-zene koncert (12)
TĂ©r-zene koncert
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 1119x
Nemzetközi FĂșvĂłzenekari Verseny Ă©s FesztivĂĄl (12)
Nemzetközi FĂșvĂłzenekari Verseny Ă©s FesztivĂĄl
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 1076x
A FÖLD NAPJA (2021) (6)
Number of images in category: 6
Category Viewed: 1115x
2021.08.21. CsalĂĄdok napja 2021. (12)
2021.08.21. CsalĂĄdok napja 2021.
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 976x
2021.08.11-14. Kåvéhåzi esték (12)
2021.08.11-14. Kåvéhåzi esték
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 929x
EgĂ©szsĂ©gmegƑrzƑ programsorozat (7)
EgĂ©szsĂ©gmegƑrzƑ programsorozat
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 976x
2019.08.15-17. Kastélykerti Esték (16)
2019.08.15-17. Kastélykerti Esték
Number of images in category: 16
Category Viewed: 1033x
Kerékpåros turizmus tåmogatåsa (21)
Kerékpåros turizmus tåmogatåsa
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 971x
Útbaigazító táblák (10)
Útbaigazító táblák
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 946x
Sohonyai Edit (2020.09.24) (10)
Sohonyai Edit (2020.09.24)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 951x
VĂ­g BalĂĄzs (2020.09.29.) (10)
VĂ­g BalĂĄzs (2020.09.29.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 1010x
Galaxis Útikalauz (2020.09.30.) (10)
Galaxis Útikalauz (2020.09.30.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 976x
Number of images in category: 0
Category Viewed: 1109x
R.Kelényi Angelika (2020.10.19.) (10)
R.Kelényi Angelika (2020.10.19.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 994x
Borsa Brown (2020.10.22.) (10)
Borsa Brown (2020.10.22.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 1006x
Hegyi Magdolna (2020.10.22.) (10)
Hegyi Magdolna (2020.10.22.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 956x
Hadas Krisztina (2020.10.29.) (10)
Hadas Krisztina (2020.10.29.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 975x
Holden Rose (2020.11.09.) (10)
Holden Rose (2020.11.09.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 982x
BosnyĂĄk ViktĂłria (2020.11.10.) (10)
BosnyĂĄk ViktĂłria (2020.11.10.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 987x
Kordåsné Szåsz Melinda (2020.10.01.) (10)
Kordåsné Szåsz Melinda (2020.10.01.)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 1022x
201001csernikpalszendre (10)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 921x
templomelotte (5)
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 1010x
templomutana (9)
Number of images in category: 9
Category Viewed: 1023x
2021.06.26. TƱzoltó Technikai Kiållítås és Bemutató (17)
2021.06.26. TƱzoltó Technikai Kiållítås és Bemutató
Number of images in category: 17
Category Viewed: 994x
trombita (19)
Number of images in category: 19
Category Viewed: 936x
varosnap (17)
Number of images in category: 17
Category Viewed: 993x
2021.06.25. BalmazĂșjvĂĄrosi AlapfokĂș MƱvĂ©szeti Iskola "Kis-zenekara" (10)
2021.06.25. BalmazĂșjvĂĄrosi AlapfokĂș MƱvĂ©szeti Iskola
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 982x
2019.06.26. BalmazĂșjvĂĄrosi AlapfokĂș MƱvĂ©szeti Iskola "Kis-zenekara" (13)
2019.06.26. BalmazĂșjvĂĄrosi AlapfokĂș MƱvĂ©szeti Iskola
Number of images in category: 13
Category Viewed: 980x
fuvoszenekar (9)
Number of images in category: 9
Category Viewed: 1020x
motoros (19)
Number of images in category: 19
Category Viewed: 926x
varosnap2021 (32)
Number of images in category: 32
Category Viewed: 813x
bfccsaladinap (8)
Number of images in category: 8
Category Viewed: 872x
zeneexpress (10)
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 831x
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Balmazújváros Város

4060 Balmazújváros
Kossuth tér 4-5.





Copyright © 2025 BalmazĂșjvĂĄros. Minden jog fenntartva.
Ma: 2025-02-17 van. PointLink.